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1) Appetizer
[American English] An appetizer is the first course of a meal. It consists of a small amount of food that stimulates the appetite .
e.g. Some green olives make a simple appetizer.
2) Side dish
Side dish is a small amount of food, for example a salad, served with the main course of a meal:
e.g. Grilled duck breast flavored with duck gravy and brandy. And apple gratin as the side dish.
3) Starter
[British English] a small amount of food eaten at the start of a meal before the main course
- American Equivalent: appetizer
e.g. Stuffed peppers make a good starter for a dinner party.
簡言之, appetizer和starter均為[頭盤]的意思, 不同者為appetizer是美式英語, 而starter為英式英語; appetizer/starter 是西式用餐第一道菜, 以少量食物刺激食慾為主, 而主菜(main course)會跟隨其後。
至於side dish是配菜:與主菜(main course)一同上的菜, 最簡單常見莫過於去食牛排時, waiter可能問要跟意粉還是茨菜, 即side dish一種。