CUNY~ Queens, Brooklyn, Brauch College ~ Which one is better

2008-05-16 9:09 am
I want to ask (CUNY) Queens College, Brooklyn College and Brauch College

Which one is better, I just take the English course.

And my friend told me if i just take English course, NYU is great choice, but it is very expersive...

PLEASE HELP ME, many thanks!

Thank you so much, Moneko! ^^ 但我聽講話Baruch & Queens 好多唐人和台灣人, 唔知甘會晤會無甘好呢? 因為我想學英文....

回答 (1)

2008-05-16 11:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think Brauch is a better choice. I heard that it has good business courses, so I think it's english courses should be good as well.

2008-05-22 01:00:49 補充:
It's true! Yes there are a lot of Chinese in Baruch! I'm not sure if you want to learn english as in perfect grammer/writing or english as a literature/reading.

2008-05-22 01:01:05 補充:
If it's literature, i think you will be able to learn over there. As for grammer wise, I'm not quite sure. I don't recall there are courses specify on english grammer.

2008-05-22 01:01:27 補充:
Check out Baruch's english major website:

or ESL courses:

and this is Queen's college's:

or its English institute:

2008-05-22 01:01:35 補充:
and this is is NYU's:

I feel NYU would be the best out of these three. However, it's $ talk now... you have to decide.

Sorry if I didn't help you much...

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