English for help

2008-05-16 6:32 am
I have moved home recently. I want to write a letter to inform the bank and the personnel department of my company about my change of address.

Would you please help me to write such a letter? Thank you for your assistance.

回答 (3)

2008-05-16 10:26 pm
Dear Sirs,

I would like to up date my personal information as I had recently moved. My new home (mailing) address is: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
This will be effected 1st June 2008, kindly amend the record accordingly. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
參考: Self
2008-05-16 7:36 am
Dear sir,

I would like to inform you that our address had been changed. The new address are as follow:

Please amend accordingly and thanks for your kindly attendion.
2008-05-16 7:01 am
hi, you can write as below:

15 May 2008

Wing Hang Bank Limited

Dear Sir/Madam


I would like to inform you that my resident address was just changed, herewith my updated information for your reference:

Name : (Your Name)
Account No. : (Your A/C No.)
Resident Address : (Your updated address)
Tel. No. : (Your updated tel. no.)

If you have any queries, please contact me at (your tel. no.) anytime. Thanks for your kind attention.

Yours faithfully

(Your signature as the same your account signature)


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