有一次,我去「飲」果時第一次試飲紅酒,D紅酒嘅味道都算甜,酒精味唔太大,其實係唔係一D好差劣嘅紅酒黎架咋? 一D靚紅酒嘅味道係點架? 依個年齡飲紅酒有冇問題架? 大約飲幾多會醉架? 飮紅酒對我有冇壞影響架?
回答 (4)
As everyone knows it is good to drink red wines, but not too much. For 14 is
bit too young to drink, but as all others said it may not be bad for you to
drink only little bit. And for your age, you can tell so much about the red
wine that you drank, it seems that you have potential to become sommelier,
maybe, right?
And from what you said, i guess you have drunk Fruit Red Wine
參考: 常識
飮紅酒對你有少少壞影響 唔好飮咁多啦
參考: 圖書
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