what is scold's adjective?

2008-05-16 2:59 am
I am doing the school Chinese writing homework. I don't know a Chinese word. My mum and dad are still working, they can't teach me because mum's telephone don't have any energy, and my dad is teach the students. Then, I ask my maid, but she is cooking diner for dad and mum, so I open the computer and go to yahoo.com.hk to search.

回答 (1)

2008-05-17 5:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
Scold = 責罵、斥責

The adjective of scold is“Scolding”.

So the answer is“scolding”.


同義詞有 Blame,形容詞則為 Blameable (blamable), blameful or blameworthy。


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