the word running record of 100m,400m,and 4x10(men and women)

2008-05-16 2:04 am
I want the world running record of 100,400m, and 4x100m,(menand women)

回答 (4)

2008-05-16 3:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am fiona li, i know the record holder of Man 100m is Tim Montgomery
參考: me
2008-05-18 7:05 pm
hey! I am Lettice. I am still finding it, sorry can'tt help u! but try to find the wikipedia it may help u.
2008-05-18 6:23 am
I am Winki Chan in 6B!!The same class with Lilian!
You can try go to Wikipedia, and type 'running record'.I have to do it! It is Maths homework,right?

2008-05-17 22:24:58 補充:
I can't find the answer too!
2008-05-17 5:16 am
r u guys maryknollers? u, avian is from 6e and u, fiona is from 6a. m i rite??

2008-05-16 21:16:08 補充:
u r avian wong from 6e. arnt u?

i cannot find 400m!!

2008-05-16 21:18:07 補充:
i alos cant find 4x100!!

i m lilian fong from 6b!!

2008-05-16 21:18:55 補充:
it should b also, not 'alos'
參考: , me lor

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