購買旅行社機票 急~~~~~

2008-05-15 11:27 pm

回答 (2)

2008-05-18 2:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
12月是旅遊旺季,尤其是去日本, 平極都要5、6千,何況現時d旅行社都未set價錢,你遲的再問邊到平啦.
其實揾邊間旅行社都無所謂, 最重要就是唔好俾人揾笨.
當然睇下你同那一間旅行社訂啦,個d 出名旅行社(安運、康泰、永安…)可能價錢上面係會貴少少,但係一定有保證,一定唔會呃你或者令你不能出發. 如果你去一些小型旅行社訂,可能感覺上真係不夠保障,價錢可能平幾百蚊,當然相對梗係抵好多啦,但風險就要自己評估囉.
無論去大或小既旅行社訂機票或package時最重要問清楚, 附加費、早餐、接送之類果D,免得自己有損失. 有時候小型旅行社既機票或package標出自己很平就真係要問清楚, 往往到你真係落訂個時又說沒有機位、酒店冇房之類, 其實就係想你轉其他,咁咪又再貴D囉.
最後, 如果Budget 夠既而大旅行社個價錢都可接受既就無謂格咁多價,因為可能最後個總數差唔係太多.
參考: 自己
2008-05-21 5:19 am
If asking the lowest price shall be China Airlines visit Taipei to Tokyo.around HK$3700 However flight transit in Taipei will take longer time and fuel surcharges will need pay more. Tax and fuel will be around HK$790

Sometime agent may get Group ticket but it cannot be guarantee until the last min. only. As group ticket must issue together with more than 15 passenger who will depart and return on same flight only

If non-stop will be Northwest Airlines Price will be below HK$3790 and tax/fuel $275. If you don't trust travel agent, you can direct book will Northwest Airlines wedsite as www.nwa.com.hk However those are airlines computer fare and it must pay and fixed with reserve seat. Ticket may be not valid for refund. You can check detail in wedsite. Some travel may offer a litte disount around $100 but it depand on the travel agent themself.

ps. working in a travel agent

2008-05-20 21:20:57 補充:
It was air ticket only. as you mention you only need a ticket but never mention need a hotel

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