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從此我就在單親環境之下成長. 爸爸和媽媽的分開, 的確改變了我很多. 有些人會說生活在單親環境中成長的孩子,會比其他生活在双親環境下成長的孩子成熟和懂得照顧自己,較為獨立; 亦有一些人說生活在單親環境長大的孩子會很容易學壞,不讀書,將來一定沒有成就等等.
我就是前者, 從爸爸媽媽離婚之後, 我一直跟爸爸一起生活, 我十歲就已經要學煮飯,洗衫,打理家務,照顧自己日常生活等等,因為爸爸要上班, 跟本沒有時間照顧我.
我從此就覺得自己很可憐, 為何別的同學會有媽媽接送上學放學, 但是我沒有. 為何別的同學會有媽媽為他們準備好的午餐盒,但是我沒有. 所以我一直都認為自己很可憐.
From now on, I will grow up under the single parent's care. The split of dad and mum's is really change me a lot. Some people may say children under single parent's care would be more mature and indepentant, compare with both parent's care. However, some people say children under single parent's care would be easily to turn bad, don't like to study and no future...etc.
I am the former. Since our parent divorced, I was living with my dad, I learnt to cook, wash clothes, do housework and look after myself when I was 10, because my dad needs to work, he don't have time to look after me.
From then, I felt that I was very pity. Why other classmates have mum to send and pick up from school? But not me. Why other classmates have mum to ready their lunchboxes? But not me. That is why I always think that I am very pity.