如果係手機的信息已被人delete, 有咩方法可以收復? (20)

2008-05-15 4:32 pm
如果係手機的信息已被人delete, 有咩方法可以收復? 包括寄件箱, 收件箱. 有冇商店可以維護, 大約要幾耐同要幾多錢?請幫忙提供地址, 如可以請提供電話.

回答 (2)

2008-05-15 6:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think there's a software for every Cell-Phone, that can recover or undo delete the steps you did wrong. Try to find it on Google, type cell phone software recovery delete. I think it work a lot of time

If it doen't work, I don't know, sry...

2008-05-15 10:26:10 補充:
&#39 equals to the word '
參考: Big brain, sorry for the &#39. I have no idea what it is that it's blocking the word, but sorry
2008-05-17 7:54 pm

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