english letter for help

2008-05-15 3:08 pm
Due to removal, I have to change to another school. I want to ask the school that I attended for a leaving certificate so that I can give to the new school. Kindly help me to write such letter urgently please.

回答 (2)

2008-05-15 6:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear __________:(Principal/your principal name)
Sorry _________(Principal/your principal name), I have to transfer another school because __________________________________ (give a reason or two) Also, at the new school, I need to have a certificate of how my behavior is, and how well I'm doing, so please, if you (really) can, you can send one to me at my house_________________(where you live).
Thank you for your attention

Sincerly____________ (your name)
___________ (ur mom's name)

2008-05-15 10:14:53 補充:
Sorry for the &#39 between four words. Sorry. I think I have a little problem of my computer... LOL

2008-05-15 10:15:17 補充:
I mean on my computer

2008-05-15 10:15:32 補充:
Behind the word LOL

2008-05-15 10:28:38 補充:
Last one, &#39 equals to the word '
參考: Not a copier machine or anyone help me, but my brain. I swear I do it myself. ^u^
2008-05-15 3:17 pm
Dear School Administrator,

My name is _______ and currently attending ________ (grade/class). I am planned to transfer to a different school on ______(day/month/year) because my family is movie to a new location.

I am requesting a certificate letter indicating my record of attendance at _______ (your school name) and also a transcript. Please let me know if you have any question on this request.

Thank you.
(Your name/Parent name)

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