相機張SD Card裡面d相無啦啦唔見哂....

2008-05-15 8:44 am
如題...請問有冇方法可以recover返d相? 我冇delete過d相,但係突然間冇哂....可以用recovery program嗎? 請高人指點...感謝!! (張SD Card係Toshiba 1GB)

回答 (4)

2008-05-15 11:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I realise the problem with SD cards is that the file table on the card can easily be corrupted, especially after numerous hot-swapping (from camera to card reader, etc.). When this happens, either the entire card cannot be accessed, or the files inside are completely corrupted and thus unopenable.
You can use file recovery software to recover the contents on your card, as long as the card concerned has not been hard-formatted (ie. low-level format). Don't use consumer-grade freeware or shareware for the task, these programs may not give you the desired results.
Regarding industrial-grade data recovery software, please check your email. PM has been sent to you.
2008-06-05 6:22 am
Hello~~ 係Toshiba 1GB呀~~
都唔係用左好耐 (唔夠一年),而且都唔係成日影相~~
2008-06-05 3:59 am

2008-05-21 12:07 am
hi ,

can you tell me the tools as well?

can it use for the 3GP file? I lost a movie on mobile and want to restore and repair it, it is very important.


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