
2008-05-15 8:44 am
大家好, 本人英文能力不差..在20歲時到英國留學3年,基本上出來工作後大家都認為我英文能力好,但當我和外國人在辨論時便大出洋相了...我不單不能跟上他們的speed,更不知道他們有些slang 是什麼意思...我可以說..以british council 的程度, 我大概介乎b2(7 for EU), 但我想成為一個native speaker, 我今年30了...只發現英文一天天的退步...

我每星期可以用weekend的1天 來訓練英文..平時晚上8至10 回家, 如用以上時間,是否可行呢? 有什麼資料要提供的話, 請add留言給我...希望各有識之士幫忙...謝謝!

回答 (5)

2008-05-15 11:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
Maybe you should watch more English movies/TV without looking into the subtitles. Jog down the words you didn’t understand and look them up from a dictionary. Hang out more with English speaking friends in Lang Kwai Fong. The more you speak the better it gets. Why would you want to argue with people anyway? The angrier and the faster you get the less fluent it becomes... because you didn’t allow time for your brain to process your idea. It also depends on the time and occasion you speak. For example in a business setting your sentence has to be eloquent and comprehensible, so “slang” is not appropriate, and speed is not a matter too as long as you maintain the flow. But if you are chatting with your friends in a pub or somewhere casual, it is a different story. For instance when I speak mandarin with my friends I have to break up my sentences and tend to speak slower too- to make sure I convey my ideas right...Try taking a speaking / communication class might help too...personally I think the British accent is kinda hard to mimic too...so...Good luck!

2008-05-15 23:34:39 補充:
No, of course you don't want to go flirt around with strangers, but why would it hurt just to chat a little? If learning "slang" is your object, there are books you can read about...in fact they look quite interesting, I might go to a bookstore myself and check them out too

2008-05-15 23:34:47 補充:
Urban Dictionary: Fularious Street Slang Defined by Aaron Peckham (Compiler),
Urbandictionary.com Staff
ISBN-13: 9780740751431

Dictionary of American Slang by Robert L. Chapman (Editor) , Barbara Ann Kipfer, Barbara Ann Kipfer (Editor) , Robert L. Chapman (Editor)
ISBN-13: 9780061176463

2008-05-16 23:23:07 補充:
I understand what you meant, Miss Anonymous. It has to do with personal experience when it comes to the ability of carrying a conversation. I’ve never heard Bruce Lee speaking by the way.

2008-05-16 23:24:14 補充:
But if you are referring to their fluent dialogue in movies, remember that the people you mentioned are actors and they are doing recital on their scripts.

2008-05-16 23:24:38 補充:
Although Arnold managed to become a politician, I am pretty sure he spent lots of time and effort and money to brush up his language and communication skill,

2008-05-16 23:24:49 補充:
probably with a personal language/speech coach, when doing TV interview, he might have received the questions in advance so he has the time to prepare his answers.

2008-05-16 23:25:10 補充:
I tend to agree with evilmonster’s point on the “living and hanging out with native speakers” It is impossible for people not be able to speak at least the basics when they are stuck with a bunch of foreigner 24/7 for a couple years.

2008-05-16 23:25:57 補充:
It is not easy to carry a conversation. It has a lot to do with personal experience too, I think. I don’t know how the other handle theirs but I am using myself as an example..

2008-05-16 23:26:08 補充:
if we are talking and you ask me what is my point of view towards the presidential candidates and campaign in the US...I will have only 1 answer-I think I like Hilary better and I will vote for her,

2008-05-16 23:26:31 補充:
Because political is not my league and I wouldn’t have anything to say about it. But if you ask me ...What do you think about that painting by Rembrandt...because I am more into fine art and painting, I will have more to say, like oh he uses shadow and gradation to achieve the tone and value...

2008-05-16 23:27:09 補充:
..I can go on for about 5 min, because I am interested in that subject area and I would have known more. It will happen the same if I am to speak Cantonese with it. In you case, since you are working in the legal area, I am pretty sure you will have a lot to say about the topics you specialize in.

2008-05-16 23:27:44 補充:
You wrote very good in english, perhaps you are already very fluent but you just didn’t realize...or maybe you are demanding too much of yourself? Like ..”always want to be better”.... . People have different talents...

2008-05-16 23:28:10 補充:
I am not very good at Math so it takes me extra extra and extra efforts to do good in Math exams in the past. And I am still not good at math now but just that I wouldn’t want to spend time in brushing it up because I think its not necessary.

2008-05-16 23:28:17 補充:
But if you think it will be worthy for you to spend more time in improving your English Language skill, you have to put in different efforts...like open up yourself and start talking to people! Enroll in a short term intensive class aboard! Watch movies and TVs! Remember every effort counts!
2008-05-22 5:31 am
Read out loud SCMP every day recor and play bak and know which sound is bad than repeat it until u are relieved.
2008-05-15 4:44 pm
grammar 更加唔會perfect
actually grammar is not main point reli, cuz all my fds from london, they dun speak perfect english, thats wut native speakers meant to be. tbh is reli hard to hv perfect accent.
esp u went there wen u were 20, normally those ppl hang around with chinese only anywayz.
also u cant reli learn slang words, but i thk watch tele drama wud reli help, relax n learn at the same time, rmb watch it without subtitle. dun rely on subtitle too much

2008-05-16 01:41:06 補充:
if u say it that way, if u dun hv perfect accent, u wont sound like a bbc or abc wutever. is noway become a native speaker reli, uno wen i was young, i wanna learn perfect english,

2008-05-16 01:41:11 補充:
and bcum a native speaker 2, but thats impossible even tho u speak english 24/7 or living with english ppl.
esp u live in hk and not hanging around with english ppl.

2008-05-16 21:44:17 補充:
lol, i see wut u mean...kakaka. but u wanna learn english english. as u sed u go home n watch bbc n films like that. if u wanna learn slang words, shud watch tele drama. as in very typical ones,

2008-05-16 21:44:26 補充:
like eastenders or those very local ones. cuz if u watch bbc or films, u neva learn those, just like u watch tvb news u prob wont hear informal language.

2008-05-16 21:44:54 補充:
n one thg is, i thk y they can learn it that way becuase they are actually staying in that country, since english is not hk ppl 1st lang. i believe if u live in an english coutry for long, u can speak fluently as well.

2008-05-16 21:45:04 補充:
so is not abt yr age, is abt environmental factors, i thk even my english is getting worse. wen i was in boarding sku, i speak english 24/7,

2008-05-16 21:45:08 補充:
wen i was in year 2, i live with english ppl, now im in final. i always hang around with hkies, i thk my english is getting worse. im reli worried as well...sigh...
2008-05-15 12:42 pm
同埋你應該係講慣british english既,
不過有d外國人係講american english架啵。


參考: 我
2008-05-25 10:01 am

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