
2008-05-15 4:24 am

patrick was very happy. his unle had give him
two tickets for big pop concert.patrick feels very
exciting .First,he would be seeing his idol-
Tony Wong - and secondly,he could choice who
to take with him.Perhaps he'd ask Winnie tang,the
girl in 3E that he felt very attacked to.
That night he could hard sleep as he thought about it.
In the morning he decide that he would ask Winnic.
He comebed his hairs very careful that morning and brushed
his blazer .He was walking along the corridor when he past her.
Later he asked his friend, Ah Kwok,to go with him.Girls were really
rather fightening.On the night of the concert,Patrick wore very smarly-
new black jean, black shirt and new trainers .He feeled like a pop star
himself.Do you know whom he meet at the concert?It was Winnie.she
seemed happier to see him,and they talked a lot.Perhaps they'd be friend after all.


回答 (4)

2008-05-15 10:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Patrick was very happy, his (uncle) had (given) him
two tickets for big pop concert. Patrick (felt) very
exciting.(Firstly),he would be seeing his idol-
Tony Wong - (secondly),he could (choose) (whom)
take (do u mean "go"?) with him.Perhaps he'd ask Winnie tang,the
girl in 3E that he felt (she was very attrctive).
That night he could (hardly) sleep (because) he thought about it.
In the morning, he (decided)(to ask) Winnic.
He comebed (<-I don't get what you mean) his (hair and brushed his blazer) very (carefully).
.He was walking along the corridor when he (passed) (I aint sure what you mean of "past her", so I guess you wanna say "pass") her.
Later he asked his friend, Ah Kwok to go with him. Girls were
rather fightening.(In)the night of the concert,Patrick wore new black jean, black shirt and new trainers. (He looked very smart and he felt himself like a pop star).
.Do you know whom he (has met) at the concert?It was Winnie. She
seemed (so happy) to see him,and they talked a lot.Perhaps they'd be a friend after (that).

** actually, I don't get what you mean in some sentences, however, I correct your grammar, I hope I can help you!`
參考: myself
2008-05-17 9:30 am
(Patrick) was very happy (as) his uncle had (given) him 2 tickets (to) (a) big pop concert. (Patrick) (felt) very (excited). First(ly), (it was because) he would be seeing his idol- Tony Wong(.) (Moreover), he could (choose) who to (go) with him. Perhaps he would ask Winnie (Tang), the girl in (Class) 3E (whom) he (found) very (attractive).

That night he could (hardly) sleep as he (was thinking) about (the concert.) He (decided) to ask (Winnie) (to go with him) (the next morning). He (combed) his (hair) very (carefully) and brushed his blazer. (He met/ came across/ walked past Winnie) when he was walking along the corridor. (However), he asked his friend, Ah Kwok, to go with him (instead)取而代之. (Asking girls out) was (rather) frightening (to him) (and he simply could not pluck up his courage to do so).他就是鼓不起勇氣(我認為有須要加入這句子,沒有的話, 這部分看起來會很模糊, 讀者很難知道什麼事情令Patrick覺得害怕, or 令人誤以為女孩子們很令人害怕, 加了這句以後, 也就解釋了為什麼Patrick 邀請 Ah Kwok 而非 Winnie)

On the night of the concert, Patrick (looked) (smart) (in his) new black jeans, black shirt and new trainers. He felt (as if he was) a pop star himself. Do you know whom he (met) at the concert? It was Winnie. (She) seemed (happy) to see him (and) they talked a lot. Perhaps they would be friend(s) after all( or forever).
2008-05-15 7:27 am
Patrick was very happy. His uncle had give him two tickets for a big pop concert. Patrick is very excited. First, he would be seeing his idol- Tony Wong - and secondly, he could choose who to take with him.Perhaps he'd ask Winnie tang,the
girl in 3E that he felt very attracted to.
That night he could hardly sleep as he thought about it.
In the morning he decide that he would ask Winnie.
He combed his hair very careful that morning and brushed
his blazer. He was walking along the corridor when he past her.
Later he asked his friend, Ah Kwok, to go with him. Girls were rather (really 同埋rather 唔可以一齊用) frightening. On the night of the concert,Patrick dressed smartly-
new black jean, a black shirt and a pair of new trainers .He felt like a pop star. Do you know whom he meet at the concert? It was Winnie. She
seemed very happy to see him, and they talked a lot. Perhaps they'd be friend after all.(唔係好明你想講乜。如果你想話佢地一直都係朋友: they were friends after all. 如果想話佢地注定係朋友: they were destined to be friends after all或者 they should be friends after all)
參考: 自己
2008-05-15 4:57 am
(Patrick) was very happy. his unle had give him
two tickets for big pop concert.(Patrick) (felt) very
exciting .First,he would be seeing his idol-
Tony Wong - and secondly,he could (choose) who
to take with him.Perhaps he'd ask Winnie (Tang),the
girl in 3E that he felt very (attracting).
That night he could (hardly) sleep as he thought about it.
In the morning he (decided) that he would ask (Winnie).
He comebed his (hair) very careful that morning and brushed
his blazer .He was walking along the corridor when he past her.
Later he asked his friend, Ah Kwok,to go with him.Girls were
rather (frightening).On the night of the concert,Patrick wore very smarly-
new black jean, black shirt and new trainers .He (felt) like a pop star
himself.Do you know whom he meet at the concert?It was Winnie.she
seemed (happy) to see him,and they talked a lot.Perhaps they'd be friend after all.

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