中一英文   十萬火急

2008-05-15 2:56 am
Wetland Park, was even worse than the components floor, why is light, but not free of harassment and others, so the result is not satisfactory, few people support it, the floor was very components People support it can not be representative of Wetland Park in Tin Shui Wai. The most important reason is cost, Tin Shui Wai residents living cost of living has not enough, after no more than the number of meals, how they can afford the entrance fee?

public also believe that the construction of Wetland Park in Tin Shui Wai is not Tizou "City of Sadness" in name, we visited the 50 people, of whom do not agree with most of, accounting for 33 people, and very Agree to only one person, that in the Tin Shui Wai in people's minds is not simply rely on a wetland park will be Tizou "City of Sadness" in name. Government should make other options to reduce domestic violence tragedy, is the best way.


回答 (2)

2008-05-15 3:29 am
沼澤地公園, 比組分地板是壞, 為什麼是光, 但不免於騷擾和其他人, 因此結果不是令人滿意的,
很少人支持它, 地板非常是組分這無法是沼澤地公園代表在錫水Wai 裡的人支持。重要原因比飯食的數量, 怎麼他們可能付得起入場費花費, 罐子水Wai 居民居住的生活費用沒有足夠, 在沒有以後?

公眾並且相信, 沼澤地公園的建築在錫水Wai 裡不是Tizou "城市悲傷" 在名字, 我們拜訪了50 人民, 不要同意多數, 佔33 個人, 和非常讚成只一個人, 在錫水Wai 在人的頭腦裡簡單地不將依靠沼澤地公園將是Tizou "城市悲傷" 在名字。政府應該做其它選擇減少家庭暴力悲劇, 是最佳的方式
2008-05-15 3:23 am
Check dictionary please!!

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