URGENT!!!! calculus!! LIMITS!!

2008-05-15 12:08 am
evaluate the following:

1) lim 1/|x|
x→ 0

2) lim (x^2-1) / (x-1)
x→ 1

3) lim 3(1-x^2) / (x^3+1)
x→ -1

4) lim |x|
x→ 0

5) If f(x)=2x-7
lim [f(x+h)−f(x)] / h

i think there are some mistake for the answers... the computer (online assignment) said my answers are wrong they are all in one question please help!!! thank you~ p.s for #3 my answer is 2, am i right?

回答 (3)

2008-05-15 1:23 am
1) lim 1/|x|
x→ 0

2) lim (x^2-1) / (x-1)
x→ 1
= 2 [ as (x^2-1)/(x-1) = (x+1)]

3) lim 3(1-x^2) / (x^3+1)
x→ -1
= 0 [ 3(1-x^2) / (x^3+1) = 3(1+x)/(x^2+x+1)]

4) lim |x|
x→ 0
= 0

5) If f(x)=2x-7
lim [f(x+h)−f(x)] / h
= 2 [As (f(x+h) - f(x))/h = (2x+2h-7 - (2x-7))/h = 2]
2008-05-15 1:21 am
Any number divide by 0 equals to undefined or infinitive.

1/ undefined or infinitive
2/ undefined or infinitive
3/ undefined or infinitive
4/ 0
5/ undefined or infinitive

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