簡單英語文法 (三)

2008-05-14 2:48 pm
1)had you, did you, have you, do you之分別
2)what you up to的意思?
4)dread的用法(i dread Ben's homework = i am not looking forwrad to Ben's homework?)
5)A)你現在得唔得閒 我想.....
6) 我覺得很凍 可否熄細D個冷氣(不是關掉!)
7)A) 我覺得好熱 可否開大D個冷氣?
B) """""""""" 可否開冷氣?
8)A) 可否將音量調高?(聽歌/睇電視時太細聲)
B) """""""""調低?(太大聲)
9) 我正在ZZZ/做功課, 大家玩時可否細聲D?
10) sometime洗唔洗加S?
11) 得閒果時CALL我!
12) 雙層巴士的英文?

回答 (1)

2008-05-14 4:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) had you - 你之前有冇?
did you - 你有冇?
have you - 同 did you 叉唔多 meaning.. 都係means你有冇?
do you - 你而家有冇?
2) what you up to = 類似 ``點呀你近排? 有咩搞呀?`` / how are you? / whats up?
3) 打筋斗 = somersault
4) dread = worry about
ex. I dread to go to the dentist.
5a) Do you have time now? I want to....
b) Do you have anything to do later?
6) I feel so cold, could you please turn the AC (air conditioner) down a bit?
7a) I feel so hot, could you please turn the AC up a bit?
b) could you turn on the AC?
8a) could you turn the volume up?
b) could you turn the volume down?
9) I am sleeping/doing homework, can you guys please quiet down?
10) yes
11) call me when you have time!
12) Double-decker / double deck bus
參考: myself, yahoo + wiki

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