
2008-05-14 10:35 am
我們很訝異臭豆腐竟然會是外國人喜愛的食物之一,因為它的味道很難聞,有些台灣人都無法接受. 對從沒嚐過臭豆腐滋味的人來說,要吃下第一口需要很大的勇氣,但只要咬下第一口後,脣齒間會留下濃烈的香味,瞬時你會迷上這種滋味,同時也一頭栽入台灣小吃美妙的世界中。在他們的國家也有豆腐,但是口味並不像台灣那麼多,有煮的,油炸的再加上各式各樣的佐料,都會變成一道道美食佳餚. 我們覺得每個國家都會有他們的美食文化,最重要的是我們台灣美食受到肯定是一件光榮的事.

回答 (1)

2008-05-14 11:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
We were really surprised that the stinky Tofu could become one of the favourite foods of the foreigners. First of all it smells badly that even some Taiwanese could not accept it. For those who has never tasted the stinky Tofu, it requires a lot of courage for them to take the first bite ! But, after the first bite, you can feel the heavy fragrance left in your mouth, and from that moment, you would become addicted to this heavy yet delicious taste, while at the same time you would fall into the wonderful world of the Taiwanese snacks. There are Tofu in the western world, but they do not have so much variety in making them into delicious food like Taiwan , namely : boiled, fried, deep fried, plus a lot many different kinds of spice and seasoning. All these turn Tofu to become many dishes of different taste. We feel that every country have their own culture for gourmet, yet more importantly is that our local Taiwanese foods have been interpreted as delicious foods with international acceptance. This is an appraisal to the Taiwanese food and also to all Taiwanese !
參考: Myself

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