
2008-05-14 10:14 am
為了讓兒子有更安定的生活,所以很積極面試努力的讀書參加考試,只為了能成為證劵公司的一份子,這當中的過程,真的很讓人醒思,克里斯並不因為妻子的不在,而忽略了小孩,他反而身兼母親的角色,日常生活起居他都要照顧到,再累也不會讓自己的兒子吃苦. 他的兒子也感受到了他是一位好爸爸,身上錢不多.但還是不會讓兒子餓到,兒子看到了爸爸為了改善經濟沒有一天是閒著的,日夜奔波他全部看在眼裡.
我想人是因為有夢想而努力的,親情之間的相處的確也是一們學問,為了夢想而奮鬥,雖然辛苦但一定有所獲得,就像劇中克里斯對他兒子所說的, 別讓任何人告訴你~你做不到,即使是我也不行。」「有夢,就要保護它。

回答 (2)

2008-05-14 12:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This was a film based on a true story. The plot of the film was full of emotion and encouragement. In the film Chris was a man who tried every means to improve the financial situation of his family. Even after his wife’s leaving, he continued with determination to promote his scanner, with his 5 years’ old son by his side.
In order to let his boy live in a more steady environment, Chris spared all his efforts in preparing his interview for application of further studies. All he aimed at was to participate in the examination and become a staff in an investment company. The process of Chris’ positive attitude towards life was very touching and led people to have a deep thinking of the meaning of life. Chris did not ignore his son just because his wife has left. On the contrary, he became a father and a mother at the same time. He took good care of his son in every little detail. No matter how tired he was, he would not let his son to be affected by the adversity fell on their family. As a reward his son also felt that Chris was a good father. Even though Chris had very little money, he would not let his son starve. The son also noticed that his father was always busy just because he wanted to improve the financial difficulty in the family !
I think people will fight because they have dreams. While the relationship between family members is also a big topic to learn. It is worth fighting for your dreams because the process may be difficult, the reward is certain. Just like what Chris told his son in the movie : Don’t let people tell you that you can’t do it, not even me. Another quote from Chris : If we have a dream, we ought to protect it !
參考: Myself
2008-05-14 1:57 pm
This movie is base on a real story, the story is full of warm-hearted and encourage. Chris is the main character in this story, because his family economy is not very good, he does everything possible and try to improve it, even though his wife has left him. However he did not give up and taking his five year-old son with him to promote the sales of the scanner.
In order to let his son living more stable, therefore he studies very hard and try to participates in the test, because he wants to be working at the trading company's. In this process, it really lets the other notice that Chris did not neglected his son even though his wife is not there with him, he also does the motherly duty. He took care all the daily life, no matter how tired he is, he will never let his son to face with the hardship again . His son also felt that Chris is a good father. Although he does not have much money, but he will not let his son be hungry. His son saw everything in his eyes, he knows that his father try to improve their living, and he always has no free time.
I believe that everyone will work hard because of their dream, even to get along with someone that you love is also a knowledge. Although is hard, but certainly to obtain something out of it. Just like in the movie that Chris tell his son, don't let someone let you know that you can't do it, even that is me.”“If you have a dream, you must protect it."

hope this can help you!
參考: myself

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