
2008-05-14 8:47 am
我想問下如果已經有一個degree, 不過唔係會計degree, 係其他discipline既degree, 係咪如果之後再讀accounting 既course, 都可以考會計師牌??

咁d course要讀幾耐??

可以講關於呢條path 既 details 比我知ma?

回答 (2)

2008-05-14 3:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
非會計系大學畢業生要先讀一個conversion course. 有些四大會計師樓會為員工提供conversion course, 有些postgrad亦可當作conversion course. 完成這個課程的時間快則3個月, 慢則一年.
之後就要讀QP. QP有4個workshop, 主要以case studies為主. 每個workshop都會有3個小時的open book exam. 4個workshop合格後再要考一個6個小時的考試. QP最快要1年完成, 邊做邊讀就要大約兩年完成.
QP加期終試合格後, 再加最少3年公會認可的工作經驗後, 就可成為公會認可的會計師.
2008-05-14 8:13 pm
There are many types of Accountant.

There are Professional Accountants and Practicing Accountants.

Professional Accountants are the ones who work in various jobs, such as Financial Controller, CFO, Director etc...

Accountants by practice is the ones that signs the accounting documents for companies, in other words those annual reports that you see signed off by an accounting firm, the person that signs there have to be a practicing accountant. This person is legally liable and can be sued if the information presented is wrong.

Professional Accountants doesn’t have to be a member of the HKICPA therefore is not required to write the QP examinations.

On the other hand for accountants who want to practice in HK then he or she will have to be a member of HKICPA and will have to pass all examinations from QP. Every country has different requirements for accountants who want to practice so they will need to take different examinations to fulfill that.

Usually the Association of International Accountants will grant 6 papers exemptions to non-accounting degree holder. In totally they have 16 Papers.

You can do self studies and write public examinations or enroll into some courses and get more exemptions.

If you need more information on this message me and I will try my best to help you.

For more information on accounting courses you can visit the reference website.
參考: www.gcec.hk

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