how can i make my dog eat the medicine(asprin) URGENT plz help?

2008-05-13 3:20 pm
he just had an operation on his leg, and it hurts terribly
he just wont eat the medicine
his leg hurts real bad
plz help

回答 (23)

2008-05-13 3:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dogs are not to be given aspirin unless it's coated to prevent irritating the dog's innards. My vet told me Ecotrin was ok to use on a dog and safe. I just lift the upper jaw and put the pill as far back down the throat as possible. Then I close the mouth, and stroke the dog's neck to encourage it to swallow without chewing.

I was given Deramaxx (I believe) by the vet. Didn't your vet give you any pain meds for your dog to take post-op??? If not, call the vet and ask about this. -!-
2008-05-13 3:25 pm
Slice of yellow american cheese, tightly wrap the cheese around the pill. The smell of the cheese masks the pill smell
2008-05-13 3:25 pm
If your vet did not explicitly suggest an appropriate dosage of Aspirin, then PLEASE contact them before you give it to your dog. The wrong dosage can do serious harm.

IF your vet told you to give Aspirin, and what dosage, then try stuffing the pill into a chunk of soft cheese (or roll it into a ball of cream cheese). The dog will inhale it in no time. Wrapping it tightly in a small piece of meat also works (boneless chicken).
2008-05-13 3:27 pm
Put it as far back in his throat as you can get it then hold his head up and rub his throat also you can give him a piece of lunch meat or a piece of hot dog and put the pill in it and give it to him. Hope this helped
2008-05-13 3:27 pm
sit behind him, wrench open his jaw with one hand (have the aspirin ready in the other) once you get his jaw open QUICKLY shove the pill as far into the back of his throat as possible and proceed to hold his mouth shut, while holding his mouth shut gently rub downward on his neck to induce him to swallow. go luck, don't be shy, if he's a large breed this may take some force. and when giving your pup aspirin always pay close attention to his health and behavior, some dogs can have adverse reactions to it.
2008-05-13 3:26 pm
Is this medicine the doctor has given? Otherwise, don't do it.

What is a food he never turns down? A piece of bologna? Tear a little piece, roll & press the pill into it & he should eat it.

If he doesn't eat it the pain is extreme & you better call the vet a.s.a.p. tell them. Could be more things wrong that need the doctor than you see here.
2008-05-13 5:12 pm
Stand astride him with your face over his face, open his mouth and put the tablet on the back of his tongue, poke it as far back as you can using your finger. Close his mouth and stroke his throat until he swallows. Usually this will do the trick but if he spits it out (which he will do immediately) pick it up and repeat but put it further back.
2008-05-13 3:39 pm
My dog has to take medicine for his shoulder every day and this is how I do it...

Wrap the medicine in piece of cheese and smoosh it in really tight into a ball and give it to the dog while holding his chin up so he's looking up at the ceiling alittle....I do this so he doesn't get a chance to spit it out.

Also, you could try a piece of bread with peanut butter on it...put the medicine in the middle of the bread and much up the bread the same way like with the cheese and tilt his head up so he doesn't spit it out.

These methodes will work, i have to do this with my dog every day for the rest of his life so I know what works and doesn't work.

Never try to give the dog the medicine without it being hidden in anything, they simply will not take it.
2008-05-13 3:36 pm
Wrap it in a small piece of cheese or shove into a piece of hot dog. Something your dog will chow down on. Or if he has a soft treat, put it in there. Or you can shove the pill into the back of his throat, close his mouth and stroke his neck with his head still tilted up. It should make him swallow it. But no guarentee he won't puke it up. Best try hiding it in a piece of food!!
Good luck
2008-05-13 3:30 pm
ASPRIN???!!!(if its under a vets permission OK but if NO.... ITS SOOOOOOOO BAD FOR YOUR DOG...)

1.)Crush the pill, mix with a little apple sauce or honey and put it in a cyringe and squeez into dogs mouth

2.) Rub the medicine onto a fresh meat and put in dog food.

3.) Spit on the medicine (not to much) put it in dogs mouth

4.) simply ask the vet

5.) hid it in a pice of meat and give it to eat. (from hand)

(remember, dogs can scent things better that we can. Try your best to get rid of the smell of the medicine.)

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