Will,Shall,Be going to

2008-05-14 7:09 am
1)請詳細解釋Will,Shall,Be going to點分~

2)可5可以write成 [Will I rich?]
而5係寫成[Will I be rich]???

Be going to嘅Wh-question例子?
我想更知道Be going to
e.g.what is paul going to do on sunday afternoon?


回答 (1)

2008-05-14 5:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.will, shall, be going to 都係指將來式
will, shall 通常指比較遙遠既將來, 依家多數全部都用 will, 無左shall啦, 以前會分 he/she/it/they/you用will, I/we用shall
eg. I will go to Japan next year.
be going to 通常指比較快去做既將來既事
he/she/it + is going to
I + am going to
the/we/you + are going to
eg. She is going to see a movie soon.
2. Will I be rich?先至啱
因為將來式問句要咁做既: Will + subject + verb + things?
咁 rich 本身唔係動詞, 而係形容詞,所以就要加 個 be 啦
eg. I will be happy.
I will be healthy.
3. Where are you going to go to, Paul?
呢句解作 : 你將會去邊度呀?

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