✔ 最佳答案
在另一邊的相同的問題不夠空位答你, 在這裡給你全文翻譯:
After I graduated from secondary school, I joined the xxx company as a salesman for three months. After the probation period, I was transferred as the receptionist in the office. I was responsible for the daily paper routines in my own department. In particular I was mainly helping customers on their problems and queries over the phone, and very often I need to handle complaints as well. During the job, the company had arranged regular training classes for the receptionists to improve their customer services skills and efficiency. Unfortunately, I had resigned in March this year due to some home affairs. However I really want to continue my career development in customer service. Taking the opportunity of your company's offer, I hope I can develop my career in a job that I like, and that I can make use of the best of my knowledge.
I wish to join (the company name) as it is an international enterprise, which I think, could give me much more space for development, and better prospects for my future career, and many valuable experiences. I also find that my previous working experience may well suit your requirements.
(本身的工作對我在貴公司有好大的幫助 : 是過份自信, 和對新公司有用的不是你的工作, 是你的工作知識和經驗, 所以幫你改成謙虛一點)
Hobbies: (這裡用hobby 或 hobbies, 不是 hobbie)
I like to chat with my friends and listen to the words from their hearts,
and gradually I become a good listener of my friends. We will jog together.
I will do some readings when I am on my own.
希望幫到你, 祝你成功!!