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為什麼這裡大部份答人中譯英, 或者英譯中問題的人都祗是用(電腦翻譯), 全不理會原文是什麼, 也不理會譯出來的文法通不通, 更遑論是否合乎原文的意思. 這樣答是幫不到人的!
就以這篇頭一兩句, 因為問者用口語兼夾雜英文(這就是香港人說話的文化)寫, 翻譯者搬字過紙照用(電腦翻譯), 出來的英文真嚇人!!
原文:我讀到中學畢業後我 Join 左 x x x 公司做左3個月 sales 過左試用期後我被公司調遷至 Office 到做 receptionist
After I attend the middle school to graduate, my Join left x x x company make the left 3 month sales excessively leftist probation period, I by the company to relocate to Office to does receptionist
我 Join 左 = my Join left ?!! (文法也錯- my join 應是 I join)
做左 = make the left ?!!
過左 = excessively leftist ?!! 極左派
to does 應是 to do
After I graduate the secordary school ,I Join the x x x company almost 3 month to sales excessively leftist probation period I to relocate by the company to Office to do receptionist
過左 = excessively leftist ?!! 極左派
After graduating from secondary school I join left xxx left the company three months sales left over after the trial period I was the company transfer to Office to do receptionist
join 左 = join left ?!!
做左3個月 = left the company three months ?!! 不知為何'電腦'會放company在中間, 意思變了離開公司三個月!!
過左 = left over ?!!
上面三個電腦翻譯略有不同, 但後段的文法全都錯誤.
若問者用以上任何一個版本英文來自我介紹, 而這份工真是要你識英文或者要在日常工作使用英文, 講完這第一句之後, 相信你都無機會再講落去!
這裡我不是想批評答的人, 因為他們都祗是相信(電腦)能幫他們解決翻譯問題, 而不知道現時電腦翻譯祗能做到六七成, 中譯英如果輸入的是口語化的廣東話, 出來的更不知所謂!
After I graduated from secondary school, I joined the xxx company as a salesman for three months. After the probation period, I was tranferred as the receptionist in the office.