
2008-05-14 3:14 am
English questions:

Choose the correct answer:

1. I remember ______it.
A. do B. does C. doing D. to doing

2. David died ______ heart attack yesterday.
A. of B. for C. on D. by

3. Do you know him? - Yes, I ______.
A. am B. know C. do D. don’t

4. Do you have ______ questions?
A. a B. the C. any D. some

5. Don't ______ it.
A. worry B. worry about C. worry for D. to worry

6. Mary can run very fast, ______ she?
A. is B. isn’t C. can D. can’t

7. I was ______ to hear she had got married.
A. interest B. interests C. interesting D. interested

8. The boy ______ we met last night is Steven’s son.
A. who B. whom C. which D. what


1. 請選出以下有錯別字的句子:
A. 以茲參考。
B. 颶風吹襲竟日,不少木屋都給移平了。
C. 他能夠掌握市場脈搏,因此能在業內領導潮流。
D. 同事間應互相信賴,以求辦事順利。

2. 請選出正確的答案:
A. 林林總總  B. 林林種種  C. 臨臨總總  D. 臨臨種種

3. 請選出正確的答案:
A. 數  B. 叔  C. 收  D. 秀

4. 請選出不正確的答案:
A. 反省  B. 色彩斑斕  C. 形形色色  D. 按步就班

5. 請選出正確的答案:
A. 慈  B. 知  C.自  D. 詩

6. 請選出正確的答案:
 出言不 ___ (指說話不客氣,沒有禮貌。 )
A. 遜  B. 信  C. 迅  D. 瞬

7. 請選出不正確的答案:
A. 積少成多  B. 銖積寸累  C. 積案如山  D. 積沙成塔

回答 (2)

2008-05-17 6:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.C. doing (用doing,即係記得做過的意思)
2.A. of
3.B. know
4.C. any (有冇任何問題)
5.B. worry about
6.D. can’t(前面用了肯定,後面就用返否定,係英文grammar規定的)
7.D. interested (被動的意思,同埋人通常都係用interested,對一樣野有興趣)
8. B. whom (adjective clause,代替的戈個男仔本身係object)

1.A. 以茲參考。
2.A. 林林總總
3.D. 秀
4.D. 按步就班(按部就班)
5.B. 知
6.A. 遜
7.C. 積案如山
2008-05-14 4:28 am
d c c d b c c b
b b b b b a b

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