即日可得20分.. ...8條=`

2008-05-14 2:23 am
1. What is your criteria of choosing friends? (choose three from the following)Please explain it.
a. nice
b. talkative
c. can share happiness and sadness with you
d. handsome/beautiful
e. rich
f. have good academic result
g. other:_________

2. Do you think you have a healthy social relationship?

3. What do you think the definition of health social relationship?

4.How often do you go out with your friends? What do you do with them?

5. Do you think going out with friends may affect you? Why? If yes, how will it affect you?

6. What do you think the advantage(s) of having good social relationship?

7. What do you think the disadvantage(s) of having good social relationship?

8. Do you want to improve you social relationship? If yes, how do you do?

Thank you for having this questionnaire.

回答 (3)

2008-05-14 3:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. What is your criteria of choosing friends? (choose three from the following)Please explain it.
a. nice : easy to talk to/ helpful

c. can share happiness and sadness with you: thats what friends are for.

f. have good academic result: that means he/she is a hardworking and serious person
g. other:_________

2. Do you think you have a healthy social relationship?

3. What do you think the definition of health social relationship?
Answer:__respect, care, love, not built on material or interests_______________________________

4.How often do you go out with your friends? What do you do with them?
Answer:___once to twice a week, dining out, hanging out shopping______________________________

5. Do you think going out with friends may affect you? Why? If yes, how will it affect you?
Answer:__less time for studies or work; but also can have time to spend with friends n enjoy, relax_______________________________

6. What do you think the advantage(s) of having good social relationship?
Answer:_______social support, emotional support, encouragement__________________________

7. What do you think the disadvantage(s) of having good social relationship?

8. Do you want to improve you social relationship? If yes, how do you do?
Answer:___not really i m pretty happy with mine______________________________
2008-05-14 2:51 am
Candy冇完全解答... ... !!!!!!!!!~
2008-05-14 2:47 am
1. What is your criteria of choosing friends? (choose three from the following)Please explain it.
a. nice : easy to talk to/ helpful

c. can share happiness and sadness with you: thats what friends are for.

f. have good academic result: that means he/she is a hardworking and serious person
g. other:_________

2. Do you think you have a healthy social relationship?

3. What do you think the definition of health social relationship?
Answer:__respect, care, love, not built on material or interests_______________________________

4.How often do you go out with your friends? What do you do with them?
Answer:___once to twice a week, dining out, hanging out shopping______________________________

5. Do you think going out with friends may affect you? Why? If yes, how will it affect you?
Answer:__less time for studies or work; but also can have time to spend with friends n enjoy, relax_______________________________

6. What do you think the advantage(s) of having good social relationship?
Answer:_______social support, emotional support, encouragement__________________________

7. What do you think the disadvantage(s) of having good social relationship?

8. Do you want to improve you social relationship? If yes, how do you do?
Answer:___not really i m pretty happy with mine______________________________

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