幾時要加s 或 es ??

2008-05-14 1:28 am
An independent man, Peter never goes with the tide.
點解個go要加es既 ? 就咁peter never go with the tide唔得?
就算係點解而唔係go /going / gone , 而係goes ??

回答 (2)

2008-05-14 1:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Peter never goes with the tide.

This sentence uses the simple present tense. In this tense, add s/es when necessary.

I do not think that there is a rule for adding s/es. But it is easy to recognize and tell when you see the sentence.

For example: Mum washes the dishes everyday.
I play football every evening.

The most important is that you should read more English books!!
Remember the following table:
when the sentence uses simple present tense:
I, we, they, you ---------------------------- infinitive (no s/es is added)
He, she, it ---------------------------------- add s/es to the verb
參考: me
2008-05-24 2:52 am
「never」 lee個字係用於現在式到,而peter=he,he係現在式的時間,verb用加「es」~


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