中譯英: 翻譯以下句子!

2008-05-14 1:18 am
煩請把以下句子翻譯成英文, 謝謝!

貴司於1月份時因壞貨而曾與我司換貨, 我司換了四卷1322給予貴司,


回答 (5)

2008-05-14 1:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
With regards to the return of defective goods in January, we have sent 4 rolls of style number 1322 to your esteemed Company, but up to now we still have not received the defective 4 rolls as return.
Please kindly advise when will the defective goods be returned to us.
參考: Myself
2008-05-16 10:42 pm
貴司於1月份時因壞貨而曾與我司換貨, 我司換了四卷1322給予貴司, 但貴司為何到現時仍未退回那四卷壞貨?
We refer to the replacement of defective products made in January, we have replaced 4 rolls of the Item No. 1322 with your company . However, up to this moment, we wonder why the 4 rolls of said products have not yet been returned from your company ?

2008-05-16 17:44:05 補充:
byc8111君: 幫人都先執番正D文法吖...慘不忍睹!

1. to exahanged (wrong grammer, and it is better to use the word replace)
exchange = 交換/兌換, replace = 更換或代替
2. by the reason of damaged (damaged is not a noun/gerund, better to use for the reason of... )

2008-05-16 17:44:17 補充:
3. havn't receive (haven't received)
4. goods supposed to returned (goods supposed to be returned, passive voice)

2008-05-16 17:44:25 補充:
5. charge you the captioned quantity ( we wouldn't say charge the quantity , we would rather
say charge you for the cost/the price of the products ) Charge the quantity? The quantity
does not mean the price, how to charge? It's only a direct translation from Chinese
2008-05-14 4:44 am
With regards to the return of defective goods in January, we have sent 4 rolls of style number 1322 to your esteemed Company, but up to now we still have not received the defective 4 rolls as return.

Please kindly advise when will the defective goods be returned to us.
2008-05-14 2:07 am
貴司於1月份時因壞貨而曾與我司換貨, 我司換了四卷1322給予貴司, 但貴司為何到現時仍未退回那四卷壞貨?
During Jan. 08 you had asked us to exchanged four (4) rolls of item 1322 by the reason of damaged, & we did. Until today, regretted that we havn't receive the damaged goods supposed to returned.
Kindly return the goods within one week, with failure to do so, we will charge you the captioned quantity immediately.
最後一段是我加上去的, 因為這是原則上的要求.
參考: Self
2008-05-14 2:01 am
In January, we have replaced the defected goods with 4 rolls of 1322. However, we have not yet received the defected goods from your side. Please kindly advise if there is any problem in sending us the defected goods. In fact, we need the goods to inspect for the cause of deficiency so that we can improve the product quality. Your help is highly appreciated. Thank you very much!

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