A Question A Day(english)

2008-05-14 12:12 am
   Vocabulary champion

Working in the garden

Choose the correct answer.

1. You have to work hard if you want your garden to look __________.


Choose an answer: A B CDE

2. Lots of __________ will grow and they must be pulled up by hand.


Choose an answer: A B CDE

3. The dead leaves and flowers must be __________ up and thrown away.


Choose an answer: A B CDE

   A Question A Day


Call someone names 給別人改別名

1. What does call someone names mean?

A.Give a new born a name
B.Give someone a nickname which doesn't sound good
C.Give myself an English name
D.Give my pet an English name

Choose an answer: A B CD

++ This is the end of the activity ++

回答 (3)

2008-05-14 12:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) E beautiful
2) B weeds
3) C picked
1) B Give someone a nickname which doesn't sound good

2008-05-13 16:39:17 補充:

C picked is incorrect because its meaning does not quite fit the context.

"Picked" refers to " handpicked": "picked people have been specially chosen because they are very suitable for a particular job."

2008-05-13 16:39:36 補充:
C, D, E are excluded since they are adjectives (it should be a noun following "of" in this case).

A soil is incorrect as soil does not grow. Thus, the only option left is B, which is the correct answer.

2008-05-13 16:40:00 補充:
In addition, the meaning of "weed" (sigular; plural: weeds) is "a wild plant growing where it is not wanted that prevents crops or garden flowers from growing properly." It fits the tone of the whole sentence.

2008-05-13 16:40:22 補充:
A and B are excluded this time since they are nouns (we need an adjective or a past participle behind "be" in this case).

Based on the given key words "dead leaves", "up" and "thrown away", E is immediately deleted.

2008-05-13 16:40:27 補充:
Choosing D "grown up" might sound right, yet dead leaves do not grow, hence the answer can only be C "picked up".
According to the Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms, "call someone names" means "to use impolite or unpleasant words to describe someone."
參考: moi, moi
2008-05-14 7:03 am
1 Speak louder and stop ____. I can't hear you.
A. appearing
B. whispering
C. punishing

Right Answer: B

2 Yes, I saw Sandy. She ___ after the test was over.
A. kneeled
B. appeared
C. punished

Right Answer: B


Right Answer: Mummy is punishing Violet, Lavender and Rose.

Right Answer: They are kneeling in a patch of grass and are pulling up a few weeds.

Choose the correct answer.
1 You have to work hard if you want your garden to look __________.

Right Answer: E

2 Lots of __________ will grow and they must be pulled up by hand.

Right Answer: B

3 The dead leaves and flowers must be __________ up and thrown away.
Right Answer: C

A Question A Day Idioms
1 What does call someone names mean?

Right Answer: B
2008-05-14 12:26 am
1) C
2) B
3) C

1. B

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