
2008-05-13 8:30 pm
我習慣每日收工後都拿去gym,跑步(6.5-7km 速度) 20-30mins + 踩太空step機15mins + 10mins sit-up/器械健身,一星期會去5-7日,持續左5個月,全身有明顯收實,不過磅數無咩大上落,人地就話我細o左成個size,不過都係有個肚腩仔,本身小腿己經好有肉,而家收實o左,無水腫,但係都係粗,可以點呢?


回答 (3)

2008-05-14 4:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
我習慣每日收工後都拿去gym,跑步(6.5-7km 速度) 20-30mins
Cardio exercise, enough time for your heart rate and burn fat, very good.
+ 踩太空step機15mins
Also consider this a cardio exercise, good for you.
+ 10mins sit-up/器械健身,
This is a weight/strength exercise, depends on which part of muscle you trained, 10 mins for one part of body is ok, if for entire body maybe not enough.
Muscle need rest, you should have at least one rest day a week.
You have the weight/strength training, so your muscle should be tone and/or firm.
Without knowing your diet, I just guess that you gain muscle, muscle weight more than fat, even you lose some body fat, then you may still not see the big different on the scale. Try to use the mesaure tape or use the scale with the body fat %, you may see the result different.
There is NO spot reduction, we can only use cardio to burn more fat. As for your flat abs, try to add more cardio exercise to burn more fat, and/or do the abs exercise everyday since you already exercise regularly. We can't really reduce the muscle by exercise, we all have our "problem area", many trainers will suggest that we try to overcome it. The other important thing is variety and intensity, for people exercise often, we need something new to shot our body, try something new or add the intensity on your workout.
Diet is also play an important role, consider low fat, low sodium, low sugar, and high fiber diet. Don't skip meals! Never let yourself hungry, you can add some healthy snacks in between meals.
Good luck and have fun!
2008-05-14 10:14 am
你係咪想型d, fit d又健康d?
我個女15歲,都是用這方法, 一個月減10磅, 三個月減20磅.
改善鼻敏感, 流鼻血, 靚咗, FIT咗, 讀書仲好咗, 仲拿第一添.

改善頭痛,胃痛, 植物曲脹, 越來越fit! 但係面色仲好過以前!好健康!

網站改善身形, 健康, 體重控制, 細胞營養, 美容護膚, 創造事業.
[[ 填完form會有營養顧問免費跟進^^ ]]
歡迎免費索取試用裝及提供健康講座, 請致電預留坐位,
如有任何查詢, 請致電TEL: 93227176
2008-05-14 2:16 am
參考: uytruytuyghfjytyutiutyjyt

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