
2008-05-13 11:28 am
上個星期三約了老師見面看我的research paper outline 可是我臨時有時去不了,於是我send了一封email給他告訴他我臨時有急事無法赴約,并在email中問他那個星期內有什麽時間方便可以再去。
可是他沒有回覆。然後我第二天再send 了一封email去。他依然沒有回覆。
因為我是第一次send email給這個老師不敢肯定是不是schedule上印錯email address還是怎樣。



回答 (2)

2008-05-13 11:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
Good afternoon, I am sorry to bother you again but I need your help. I was supposed to see you in your office last Wednesday but I could not make it, I believe you might have seen the email I sent to you to explain. Please accept my apology for delaying the appointment.

Since I still need your tutorial on my research paper outline, I would like to know when will be the best time to visit your office.
參考: Myself
2008-05-13 11:56 am
I think you can say

"I had an emergency the day we were going to review my research paper outline, hence I wasn't able to attend our meeting, and I have sent you an email in this regards. May I ask if you have received my email, and I apologize in advance if you haven't received my email. Thanks"

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