
2008-05-13 8:47 am
我想問唔計學費仲要比d咩fee? except 學費仲比住宿fee..我諗住homesaty 其實係唔係以include 水電,+ 3meal 嫁la? 我仲有無other 錢要比??
我讀Queeensland U of Technology 宜間好唔好..homestay 又幾$$呢?

回答 (2)

2008-05-13 8:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
yea...u are right.......homestay already include water , electric , 3 meal (depend on the homestay) , if u used their idd at their hse...then u have to pay the idd fee. homestay fee around $ AUD 200-300 now ( I think )

For the IDD , you would buy phone card ( Aussie phone ) can't remember the name....
參考: studied at Perth , WA, Australia
2008-05-13 4:01 pm

澳洲大學在全球排行榜的地位,全澳「八大」( 包括ANU、墨爾本、悉尼、昆士蘭、蒙納樹、新南威爾士、愛德雷德及西澳洲 ) 悉數排名全球100名內,排名全球205的La Trobe University,以至374名的Deakin University,都是在《Top Universities Guide 2008》內可以找到排名的。

至於在《澳洲大學年鑑》( The Good Universities Guide ) 獲評為很不錯的四星大學Australian Catholic University和Charles Darwin University,也許由於歷史較短,再加上研究質素不及老牌大學,所以在環球排行榜上不上名,是可以理解的。


全球排名---> 澳洲大學
16 Australian National University
27 University of Melbourne
31 The University of Sydney
33 University of Queensland
43 Monash University
44 University of New South Wales
62 University of Adelaide
64 University of Western Australia
168 Macquarie University
195 Queensland University of Technology
199 University of Wollongong
200 RMIT University
205 La Trobe University
215 University of Newcastle
235 Curtin University of Technology
259 University of Technology, Sydney
264 University of Tasmania
291 University of South Australia
309 Griffith University
351 Flinders University
374 Deakin University

( 資料來源:《QS Top Universities Guide 2008》)

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