
2008-05-13 8:06 am


Marie Curie was young name was Maria. She was deternined to be a person who is contribugive to mankind when she was small.Father when to earn more money for the family, he lets some resident student stay at the home.Although it was very noisy as they are so many children stayed together. Maria could still focus on studing without disturbed by others.

回答 (4)

2008-05-13 11:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
The maiden name of Mrs. Curie was Maria. When she was young she already established her goal to become a person who can contribute to the mankind. In order to earn more money for the family, her father accepted some students to board in their house. The atmosphere in the house with all the young kids was very lively, but Maria could manage to study without being disturbed in spite of the additional people in her home.
參考: Myself
2008-09-11 5:38 am
ok the website can help you.
www.money128.biz and www.fast-beauty.6289.us
2008-05-13 6:36 pm

Mrs. Curie's name was Maria when she was young. Since she was little, she was determined to become a person who could contribute to the mankind. Her father had some boarders stayed at their house in order to earn more money for the family. Naturally it was very noisy with so many people in the house. Nonetheless Maria could still focus on her studies without being disturbed by the others.
參考: imho
2008-05-13 8:11 am
Marie Curie was young name was Maria. She was deternined to be a person who is contribugive to mankind when she was small.Father when to earn more money for the family, he lets some resident student stay at the home.Although it was very noisy as they are so many children stayed together. Maria could still focus on studing without disturbed by others.

但...我有少少問題...唔知係你打錯定咩呢?「Father when to earn more....」應該係「Father want to earn more,,,,,」
參考: myself....

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