Does Israel belongs to Palestine?

2008-05-12 11:23 am
The Palestine people believed that Israel is, was and always be part of Palestine. However Isreal does not agree. What is your opinion?

回答 (6)

2008-05-12 11:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
for those who fell asleep during history lessons, here are some facts to consider:

first of all, Palestine was never a sovereign state. dating back to the Romans, it was always under control by some empire or another, the last two being the Turks until 1917 and then the Brits until 48'.

second, the term "Palestine" also dates back to the Romans, who renamed the land after expelling most of the Jewish population after it rebelled against them. the name stuck, but it referred only to the region - not the people! even during the 20th century, before the establishment of the state of Israel, the term "Palestinian" referred to whoever lived here back then - both Arabs and Jews (as there was a small Jewish population here during all the 2000 years after the Romans).

third, the Arab violence against Jews started long before the establishment of Israel, and was often aimed against the Jewish population of the old cities like Hevron - and those Jews were living there for centuries just like the Arabs.

forth, the Arabs often claim the Jews evicted the local population by means of force. may I ask what force? up until 1948, the Brits controlled the area, not allowing neither Jews or Arabs to carry arms. now add this the the numerical disadvantage of the Jewish population back then. how would you say it happened?
and after the state of Israel was declared, all the surrounding Arab countries tried to wipe it out - while telling the local Arab population to get out of their way. many did - and stayed out, since the Arabs lost the war they started, and Israel wouldn't except back those who pledged loyalty to the Arab leaders seeking to destroy it. do you consider them to be forcefully evicted by the Israelis as well?

and the last remark: until the renewed Jewish national
movement (Zionism) and the arrival of many Jewish emigrants from Europe, the land was populated quite sparsely. much of the coastal area was covered by swamps, while most of it's southern region (the Negev), which is over a half of the territory of modern day Israel, was not even charted - "the big 'machtesh'" (a rare geological feature, somewhat resembling an impact crater), which is over 25 miles long and is one of the most notable natural landmarks of Israel, was only officially discovered and put on the maps in the early 20th century. many other lands in various parts of the area were bought by the Jewish settlers from the local population, with proper documentation by the power in charge - be it the Turks or the Brits. needless to say, the "Palestinians" demand those areas back as well.

Yasser Arafat, the former leader of PLO, once said that "it's acceptable to lie, as long as it's in favor of our people". and as for Dr. Abu Maazen, the current head of the Palestinian parliament - well, His PH.D. final paper was an attempt to prove the the Jewish Holocaust in WWII didn't really happen.

people can't just rewrite history. the best they can do is to try silencing the truth by force - and the Arabs did, in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973 and 1982.
2008-05-12 11:35 am
Palestine belongs to the Roman Empire. Should it be given to the Italians. No, wait, maybe it belongs to the Macedonians, no, it belongs to the Ottomans, no, it belongs to the Persians, no, it belongs to the Babylonians, no, it belongs to the Assyrians.

To hell with it. It belongs to whoever holds it NOW!
2008-05-12 11:55 am
Jerusalem was meant to be a place where anyone can go,to find himself.Everyone owns it and no one owns it.It is supposed to belong to us all.
2008-05-12 11:38 am
The state of Isreal goes back to biblical times, when "God" came down and told someone something.... However, after WW2, in an effort to make up for several thousands of years of being handed the short straw, the current state of Isreal was manufactured...There is no real cut and dry reason the border was put where it was put... They just laid it out and it is what it is today.
2008-05-12 11:31 am
Isreal used to be part of Palestine
thats all i know
2008-05-12 11:50 am
Israel is a made up fantasy! Palestine has been there forever.

Israel is a fantasy made from religion crap in people's minds. For some reason even Christians believe this myth?

Nuke Israel and stop all this fighting!

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 21:03:23
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