
2008-05-12 11:28 pm

..if you have sth you want about it..please write down ..thx!!!!

回答 (4)

2008-05-12 11:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1 .直行到第2路口 walk straight to the send intersection

2. 上樓梯 walk up the stairs

踏附手電梯 take the escalator

踏升降機take the lift

2008-05-12 15:33:12 補充:
sorry, it should be walk straight to the * second intersection

{typing mistake}
參考: myself
2008-05-13 11:07 pm
1直行到第2路口 - walk straight down to the second block.
Note: 外國人一個街(路)口叫一個 block.
2上樓梯/搭附手電梯/升降機... - take the stair-case / take the escalator / take the Lift (elevator)
參考: Self
2008-05-13 4:08 am
直行/treads to the 2nd street intersection 2.. on staircases
attaches the hand elevator/elevator...
參考: me i
2008-05-13 12:46 am
直行到第2路口 : walk straight forward until you see the second cross
上樓梯 : walk upstairs
踏附手電梯 : take the escalator
升降機 : elevator(American English) / lift(British English)
take the elevator / lift

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