
2008-05-12 10:45 pm
提走英文是什麼,例如: 從碼頭提走了1000箱貨是...?

回答 (8)

2008-05-16 1:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
To take delivery of goods. [提貨]
We have taken delivery of 2000 cases of goods from the wharf.
2008-05-13 11:13 pm
提走英文是什麼 = collect.
從碼頭提走了1000箱貨 = Collected 1,000 cases of merchandise from wharf.
參考: Self
2008-05-13 1:19 am
提走 : put away/ lift and take away

從碼頭提走了1000箱貨 : lift and take away 1000 cargos.
2008-05-12 11:45 pm
Raised 1000 boxs of goods from the wharf
2008-05-12 11:38 pm
Raised = 提走

1000 box of goods = 1000箱貨

from = 從

the wharf = 碼頭


Raised 1000 box of goods from the wharf
參考: myself
2008-05-12 10:54 pm
Raised 1000 box of goods from the wharf
2008-05-12 10:50 pm
例如: 從碼頭提走了1000箱貨是 :
Raised 1000 box of goods from the wharf
2008-05-12 10:49 pm
tack away low
參考: me

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