
2008-05-12 7:51 pm
大家好, 我想請教一d關於加拿大升學既事架
我今年中四, 想出年考完會考就過加國讀yr 13/預科準備升大學
Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario Quebec, Saskatchewan及Manitoba
最好比埋入學資格我, thc..
萬分感謝.. !!

P.S. 間學校最好比較好d,
因為我將來想升UBC..thc !

回答 (1)

2008-05-14 8:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Private School is the best, all the top schools are private schools.

Bond College in Toronto is quite unique they have 4 terms in one year giving students chances to retake courses and still be able to submit the marks to the university before the deadline.

As normally a school runs 2 terms and if you failed one or wants to retake the subject you have to wait for another term and if that subject is in the 2nd term then you will have to wait for the next school year to retake. With 4 terms you will be able to use term 3 and 4 to retake your courses if needed.

If you need to find more info message me as I have those info at home.
參考: Me.

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