
2008-05-12 6:14 pm
話說我黎美國讀書去租apartment, 同一間Real Estate o係2007年1月1號簽左一份一年既apartment 租, 咁照計應該到2008年1月1號就完丫
咁一直到今個月1號, 我已經差唔多時候要轉大學, 所以就去問下退房既手續啦... 點知一問佢地就拎左一封信出黎, 話o係2007/09/29 佢地send 過一封掛號信比我問我續唔續租. 我當時冇拎到所以封信
郵局退番比佢地. 但係信入面原來寫住如果我唔回覆佢地就當我自動續多一年約wo @@!!!
所以, 我而家就比人當毀約, 要我比2個月租金做賠償!

咁問題就黎喇: 其實佢份約冇寫過佢會send 封信黎搵我續約ga wo. 只不過o係果封我冇收到既信度咁講...... 咁我都冇收到我點知姐!? 佢地有我電話同埋資料咁我冇收到封信你係咪應該打個電話或者搵辦法通知我先?! 咁埋我都冇同意過續約咁佢地點可以屈我wo..

我將我同樣既問題問過果間Real Estate 唔同既Agent 三次, 但係佢地既答覆都冇一致咁話: 我地send 左信比你ga, 依家你唔去拎就係你既問題, 你要嘈既就去郵局嘈啦!

有關我冇同意過既問題, 我比埋份約佢地查喇, 佢地根本搵唔到有寫住要點樣續約既事項, 但係佢地搵唔到又扯番去封信度, 話: 封信係咁寫明ga, 你而家係續約續到2009年, 咁你毀約想走就要比兩個月罰款

聽到佢地講呢句既時候我仲火滾: "我地有成2000個住客, 我地冇可能逐個住客打電話通知"

我想知道法律上係咪佢地錯? 而如果我想搵人幫我應該點做呀?

回答 (2)

2008-05-17 1:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
I studied my business administration degree in USA University, and I learnt general concept of contract law, not in deep in any specific kind.
So far as I know, any property rental, such as real estate, need to be signed by both party, lender and rendee in order to make the contract deeded or so called binding.
In your case, the letter sent by the lender is an offer. It is not valid contract until you signed it and returned it to them. Without your signature, disregard what condition may state on the letter, it is not a valid contract, and the real estate agent cannot enforce you to accept the offer or pay any penalty.
On top of that, each tenancy agreement requires deed specified, or else the tenancy agreement is not valid to be put on the court.
As long as you do not stay in that property longer than the period mentioned from you previous tenancy agreement, then you do not need to pay any penalty.
Just go ahead and find another apartment, and ignore it. The real estate agent cannot do anything about it.
2008-05-15 7:31 pm

你一定要搵attorney搞, (法律顧問),最好去左d唐人地方問下先,之後叫佢地轉介...錢係會使架喇....

如果唔係,我諗你最好去郵局搵proof, 證明個封野你無收過之餘佢地又無再聯絡你,係你完全不知情既情況下佢地個封信其實係無法律效力(一定要證明到呢點...)

每一個州都應該有個real estate union (類似公會個d), 你嘗試上網搵下, 跟住寫封email/信講番你個situation, 睇下佢地幫唔幫到你~不過要快! 因為你都知美國佬做野d速度架啦!


參考: 自己

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