放滅蚤炸彈,咁 D 床上用品,衫,b.b 用品怎算

2008-05-12 10:13 am
放滅蚤炸彈,咁 D 床上用品,衫,b.b 用品怎算呀,一齊炸,怕唔怕有味會對人体有害,佢連蚤都剎死喎.and, d 蚤屍會去咗边呀,如果d蚤係枕頭被入面,咁点清理呀.請指教.

回答 (2)

2008-05-16 1:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
hi, the 滅蚤彈 company said it is ok for human being, no worry about that. for my suggestion, any foods, water or bb stuff should be stored well before starting to 放滅蚤炸彈.
I used Raid滅蚤彈, normally I saw d 蚤屍 on the floor after using 滅蚤彈, never see them inside the pillow. of cos u have to clean ur pillow and sheet frequently, whatever u use the 滅蚤彈 or not.
hope it can help you.
2008-05-12 10:38 am
參考: 自己經驗

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