美白 & 眼霜

2008-05-12 8:36 am
想問美白product.... 唔知邊隻brand 好用d亦有效d呢?

至於眼霜問題, 我黑眼圈不是太嚴重,亦無眼袋... 黑眼圈都是因為OT,休息少積積埋埋的...唔知有咩好介紹呢???


回答 (1)

2008-05-12 9:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
想問美白product.... 唔知邊隻brand 好用d亦有效d呢?
reply : if 因夜訓而令皮膚較黄,你可用estee lauder advance whitening essence, 除了去黃,亦對因壓力而引起嘅粒粒有幫肋的

for this weather i won't recommend u to use for eye cream, may be eye gel should be better, bio - zone is quite good, u can reseach it on web

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