are tomboys lesbians?

2008-05-12 7:44 am
this girl.....
she enjoys all stuff like manly stuff and listens to rock and dresses manly...and never had a bf...and is all tom she a lesbian?

回答 (9)

2008-05-12 8:20 am
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Nope, like.. all tomboys I know are 100% straight. She could be a lesbian, but the fact that she is a tomboy doesn't mean she's a lesbian at all.
2008-05-12 2:35 pm
I like to fish and hunt, at which times I wear jeans and camo tops. At other times I wear Vera Wang dresses and Jimmy Choo shoes. Don't be misled by stereotypes!
2008-05-12 8:40 am
not necessary. The best way to find out is ask her. Being tomboy doesn't mean that she is a lesbian.
2008-05-12 8:06 am
this girl is so girlish likes pink looks lilke a barbie does her nails and makeup every minute has a chiwawa and just acts like the girls in "mean girls"

and she's gay

what do you think now?

(just someone i know)
2008-05-12 7:56 am
That doesn't necessarily mean she's a lesbian. She could have just not had a boyfriend maybe because she's not really worried about men at the moment. I would give it a little more time, and see if she drops any hints about her sexuality.
2008-05-12 7:54 am
2008-05-12 7:52 am
This doesnt mean shes gay but hey if your a friend aske her she might just need someone to be up front with her, if she is gay that is!!
2008-05-12 7:49 am
not nessacerily thats a sterotype
just because shes not "girlie"
dosent mean shes gay.
2008-05-12 7:49 am
Not necessarily. If you care so much, you should just ask her.

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