
2008-05-12 6:06 am
1 ) 我想問你做緊咩,要問

What are you doing?
What do you doing?

2) 人地打電話黎,問佢想找邊個,係咪

Who you want to find??

3) 問人地係邊個,係咪

Who are you?


回答 (4)

2008-05-12 6:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1.What are you doing?
因為個verb after do會係infinitive,所以what do you doing係唔岩。

2.Who are you looking for? / Who would you like to find?
而Who you want to find 係ch-english黎既,所以唔岩。

3.問人地係邊個問WHO ARE YOU就岩啦^^"
如果你想問人地「我識唔識你」你可以問"Do I know you?"

I think you dialled the wrong number.
參考: 自己平時都咁答既,我住加拿大
2008-05-12 7:14 am
For question 1, the question - What are you doing? - is correct. The second question is wrong. You could also ask - What's up? - a pretty common phrase used in the Western world.
For question 2, the choices are as follows:
1) Who would you like to speak to? (Formal)
2) Who do you want to speak to? (less formal)
3) May I ask who you want to speak to? (Formal)
For question 3, the choices are as follows:
1)May I have your name please? (Formal)
2)May I ask what your name is? (Less formal)
3)May I ask who is calling? (Formal)
Your last question on 11th May,
here comes the choices for your response:
1) Sorry, I have dialled the wrong number. (Less formal)
2) I am sorry, I think I must have got the wrong number. (Formal)
參考: I am a teacher. That's my teaching.
2008-05-12 6:52 am
Why 係What are you doing?

而唔係What do you doing呢??

After ;do; must not follow ;ing;~
參考: Self
2008-05-12 6:08 am
1) What are you doing?
2) Who do you want to find?
3) Excuse me, how can I address you?

Hope I can help you. ^-^

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