
2008-05-12 3:13 am

** 請勿用電腦翻譯 **

回答 (7)

2008-05-12 7:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
若餐前洗手(有禮貌點是:請餐前洗手),是完整句子,那句子是祈使句(imperative sentence),其實祈使句,是有一個看不到的主詞(subject),這個主詞是”你”
所以,餐前洗手,當然是:請你餐前洗手,所以,英文要寫wash your hands
而餐前,應指每一餐,並不是指定的一餐,所以,英文是:before meals
全句可寫成:wash your hands before meals,但隨便一點,也以寫成:wash hands before meals.

2008-05-11 23:17:29 補充:
但有禮貌一點,可以寫:Please wash your hands before meals.
2008-05-12 6:45 am
The washing of hands is required before eating a meal
參考: me,,
2008-05-12 3:38 am
餐前洗手的英文, 有多種譯法:

1) washing the hands before meals
2) we should wash our hands before meals
3) wash hands before meals
4) The washing of hands is required before eating a meal
2008-05-12 3:30 am
Wash hands before meal
2008-05-12 3:17 am
wash hands before eat
2008-05-12 3:15 am
maybe is ' wash hand before meal'
2008-05-12 3:15 am
餐前洗手的英文是 :
Wash your hands before eating !
參考: Myself

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