writing the story in about 80 woeds

2008-05-11 8:31 pm
look / shop window / video games
susie'smother/sleep/not stop
(what happened in the end?)

回答 (2)

2008-05-11 8:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hi, my name is Susie. Today, I was walking on the street. Then I saw a cool shop. I walked near that shop and look inside the shop window.There was a video game called ' T-Rex'. It was only fifty dollars, and I have
enough money to buy it!I went inside and bought the game happily then went home. I played it. It's exciting! I love it so much that I couldn't stop. At about nine o'clock at night, my mum said,'Go to sleep, Susie,' But I didin't wanted to stop so I kept playing.Then the next day, I went to school late and I was punished by my
teacher. I am now still very sleepy. And all the classmates calles me panda
because my eyes are liked panda's. I will never played video game again!
參考: me^^
2008-05-11 8:51 pm
In the end, I can tell that you will fail if you rely on this yahoo function, because your issue doesn't have a topic. What do you expect me to help?

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