
2008-05-11 9:04 am
1 st day
morning activities(大約30至40字)

food for lunch (大約30至40字)

afternoon activities(大約30至40字)

food for dinner(大約30至40字)

eveming activities(大約30至40字)

2nd day

morning activities(大約30至40字)

food for lunch (大約30至40字)

afternoon activities(大約30至40字)

afternoon activities(大約30至40字)

food for dinner(大約30至40字)

eveming activities(大約30至40字)


回答 (2)

2008-05-12 12:27 pm
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Itinerary for a friend from aboard visiting Hong Kong for 2 days

Day 1 :

Breakfast in the Chinese restaurant for tea, in Hong Kong having tea means you will have to fill yourself with all the different kinds of delicious Dim Sum.

Touring in Hong Kong Island – we will take a ride to tour around all the beautiful scenery in Hong Kong Island . First we drive along the Hong Kong Eastern Highway to have a glance at the beautiful Victoria Harbour . Then we go through the crooking road and arrive Repulse Bay . Here we have a beautiful beach plus many Chinese traditional statues for photography. Do not forget the two big statues of Heavenly Queen and Kuan Yin. Afterwards we will drive along the road next to the seaside and go to Stanley . Stanley is famous among the tourist for its open market selling wide range of souvenirs and Chinese traditional clothes.

We will have lunch in the open restaurant serving real Italian food. Enjoy the food and wine in the breeze and sunshine of Southern China !

After the delicious lunch we need to spend some energy in the famous Ocean Park . While we may be indulged in the various exciting games in the Park, we ought to remember that we will not miss the gorgeous show in the Ocean Theatre where we can watch the seals, sharks and whales performing unbelievable acts. Trust me this is the best part in the Ocean Park .

After an exciting afternoon, we got to relax a bit and have a leisurely dinner in the only floating restaurant in Hong Kong – The Jumbo Restaurant. Here you can choose the seafood and decide the way of cooking. Another attraction will be the emperor’s chair and clothes. Take a picture of yourself dressed up exactly like a Chinese emperor sitting on the so called “dragon seat”.

2008-05-12 04:27:44 補充:
When it is getting late we shall explore another open market in Kowloon – the Fa Yuen Street, also named as “ladies’ street’. But, for either female or male, you will be excited by the variety of stuffs selling here.

2008-05-12 04:28:07 補充:
From most updated electronic products to down to earth clothes. It is quite hard to stop the wondering and leave this place.

2008-05-12 04:28:32 補充:
Day 2 :
Another Hong Kong style breakfast – the local tea restaurant serving western breakfast, with a little modification to suit the Hong Kong people. You can have coffee, toast and even Chinese noodles.

2008-05-12 04:28:57 補充:
The main characteristic of this kind of restaurant is that they are really flexible. You can eat both western and Chinese food together in one set.

2008-05-12 04:29:24 補充:
Then we are going to explore another famous Park in Hong Kong – The Hong Kong Disneyland. Try to act like a child as you can and enjoy all the fun in the Park.

2008-05-12 04:29:44 補充:
For lunch we will be a little luxurious and have a buffet in the Disneyland Hotel. Yummy yummy for getting back to the long forgotten western food.

2008-05-12 04:30:03 補充:
After lunch we will continue to enjoy the fun in Disneyland, but we have to leave a little early to take the 360 degree cable car and enjoy the fabulous mountain view of the virgin forest in Lantau Island. .

2008-05-12 04:30:30 補充:
Getting out of the cable car we will see the biggest statue in Hong Kong – The Buddha sitting on top of the mountain. Climbing up the stairs may be a little difficult after the Disneyland tour, but it is worth doing it while you are at the feet of the Buddha.

2008-05-12 04:30:50 補充:
We will be watching the sunset from the top of the mountain. A view that you will remember for years !

2008-05-12 04:31:07 補充:
Then we will return to the Hong Kong Island and take the oldest cable car in Hong Kong to reach the Victoria Peak. Looking down from the peak you can see the best night view in the world. Numerous building lighted along the two sides of Victoria Harbour.

2008-05-12 04:31:27 補充:
For dinner we will go to Lan Kwai Fong. A place of international food and drinks. Which ever restaurant you are going, you will find yourself overwhelmed in a cosmopolitan atmosphere.

2008-05-12 04:31:51 補充:
We will select a restaurant serving fusion food. Then we move outdoor and find a bar where you can relax and release all energy left by dancing, drinking and sharing experience with the foreigner standing next to you.

2008-05-12 04:32:11 補充:
In a strict sense Lan Kwai Fong is no more a Hong Kong attraction. You may find yourself drown into a world with no difference than New York or London !

2008-05-12 04:32:37 補充:
At the end of this two days’ journey in Hong Kong, you can understand why Hong Kong is known as a cosmopolitan instead of just one city of China.
參考: Myself, Myself, Myself, Myself, Myself, Myself, Myself, Myself, Myself, Myself, Myself, Myself, Myself, Myself, Myself
2008-05-11 5:03 pm
There are many attractions to visit in Hong Kong and we are easy to go there. Here are two days trip in Hong Kong.
On the first day, we can have dim sum in the Chinese restaurant in the morning. Then, we can take a bus to Tai O. It is an old village and most of the youth moved to the town, only the elderly live there. We can buy some salted fish and dried seafood there. They were made by the villager. At lunch time, we can have seafood for lunch. It is fresh and tasty. After that, we go hiking and fishing. I think it is lot of fun there. In the evening, we will take the bus to Tung Chung. We have booked the buffet dinner in the hotel there. We can try the international dishes such as salmon fish, oyster and cheese cakes.
On the next day, we get up early and go to the Ocean Park on the Hong Kong Island. We take the bus there and it takes about an hour. We can go on the rides, see the pandas, watch the dolphins show, see the sharks and jellyfish there. And then, we will have lunch in the canteen there. We can order some snacks such as chicken legs, hamburgers, sandwiches or sausages. After that, we will have dinner in a Japanese restaurant nearby. It is because we like eating sushi very much. After dinner, we went on the Peak by the Peak tram. We can see the night view and visit the museum there. We can take many beautiful photos.
We can imagine that we will have a good trip in Hong Kong.

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