王嘉梅曾在網上援交討論區留言招客 請問是那個援交討論區? which post?

2008-05-11 8:59 am
王嘉梅曾在網上援交討論區留言招客 請問是那個援交討論區? which post?
thanks you so much,i hella wanna see what the hell is that.thanks guys!

回答 (4)

2008-05-11 9:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
2008-05-13 7:05 am
what the *****... do you have a *****ing problem.. shes already dead. why you still have to be borther to check her prosti site??? shouldnt we give her a R.I.P??? she choose a bad choice to be a prosti for a living.. just leave her and her family alone... ASSHOLE
2008-05-11 11:52 pm
2008-05-11 3:13 pm
new3-lunch.net 既討論區

但本人並不建議 依種風氣繼續落去
希望你只係一時好奇睇睇依個係乜野網站啦 ...
參考: 自己

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