正確的差應是多少? urgent!

2008-05-11 7:51 am
小明計數一道減法, 他不小心地將被減數的個位的3字寫成8, 將十位的0寫成6, 結果算出的差是199, 正確的差應是多少?

回答 (4)

2008-05-11 12:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The assumed subtraction:
X-68 = 199

The original subtraction:
267- 03 = 264

Therefore: the correct difference is 264
2015-09-27 12:51 am
2008-05-14 1:30 am
由於個位的3字寫成8, 將十位的0寫成6, 結果算出的差是199, 即正確寫法是:68,

所以正確的差應是199 + (68 - 03) = 264
參考: 自己計
2008-05-11 8:00 am
the wrong answer = 199
n the wrong minuend = 68
therefore the total should be = 267
then the original minuend = 30
therefore the correct difference should = 267-30 = 237
參考: myself

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