[急] 英文番釋畢業講詞

2008-05-11 7:30 am
唔該我想番釋下面一段畢業講詞, 要正統英文

尊敬的牧師, 院長及各位老師, 在即將離開母校之際, 我懷激動的心情向學院全體老師表示深深的謝意, 感謝你們的熱情關懷, 悉心的照顧及真誠的幫助. 求學的日子很過去了, 在即將告別母校之際, 我點捨不得, 兩國不同文化的交流, 熱情好客的菲律賓人民留給我深刻的回憶, 我將銘記校訓, 把學校的精神帶回香港!去, 把菲律賓人民的友誼帶回香港去. 再次感謝牧師.院長和全體老師

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2008-05-11 1:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To my respectful priest, principal, and all the teachers.
As I am prepared to leave my school, I like to extend my deepest thankfulness to all the teachers. Thank you for your passionate/deep solicitude, your caring, and helps. Those days in school have passed. As I am going to leave, I am really touched and I am going to miss it. The different cultures between the two countries, the warmth, and the kind hospitality from the people in Philippines, will be deeply in my memory. I will never forget the school's teachings and I will bring it back to Hong Kong. I will bring the friendship from the people in Philippines here to Hong Kong, also. Once again, thanks to my dear priest, my dear principal, and all my dear teachers.

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