Old Man (poem)by Edward Thomas

2008-05-11 5:10 am
可唔可以解釋下首poem講咩(each stanza)?
首詩應該係ENG LIT

Old Man

Old Man, or Lads-Love, - in the name there’s nothing
To one that knows not Lads-Love, or Old Man,
The hoar green feathery herb, almost a tree,
Growing with rosemary and lavender.
Even to one that knows it well, the names
Half decorate, half perplex, the thing it is:
At least, what that is clings not to the names
In spite of time. And yet I like the names.

The herb itself I like not, but for certain
I love it, as someday the child will love it
Who plucks a feather from the door-side bush
Whenever she goes in or out of the house.
Often she waits there, snipping the tips and shrivelling
The shreds at last on to the path,
Thinking perhaps of nothing, till she sniffs
Her fingers and runs off. The bush is still
But half as tall as she, though it is not old;
So well she clips it. Not a word she says;
And I ca only wonder how much hereafter
She will remember, with that bitter scent,
Of garden rows, and ancient damson trees
Topping a hedge, a bent path to a door
A low thick bush beside the door, and me
Forbidding her to pick.
As for myself,
Where first I met the bitter scent is lost.
I, too, often shrivel the grey shreds,
Sniff them and think and sniff again and try
Once more to think what it is I am remembering,
Always in vain. I cannot like the scent,
Yet I would rather give up others more sweet,
With no meaning, than this bitter one.
I have mislaid the key. I sniff the spray
And think of nothing; I see and I hear nothing;
Yet seem, too, to be listening, lying in wait
For what I should, yet never can, remember;
No garden appears, no path, no hoar-green bush
Of Lad’s-love, or Old Man, no child beside,
Neither father nor mother, nor any playmate;
Only an avenue, dark, nameless, without end

回答 (1)

2008-05-12 2:59 am
✔ 最佳答案

老人, 或小伙子愛, - 在名字有□什麼到一個知道不是小伙子愛, 或老人、灰白綠色羽毛似草本, 幾乎一棵樹, 生長用迷迭香和淡紫色。到一知道它很好, 一半裝飾的名字, 它是的一半使為難, 事: 至少, 是什麼那緊貼不是對名字竟管時間。仍然我喜歡名字。
草本我喜歡不是, 但為某一I 愛它, 因為孩子某天將愛採一根羽毛從門邊灌木每當她進入或在房子外面。經常她等待那裡, 剪斷要訣和枯萎細片最後對道路, 認為或許□什麼, 她嗅她的手指和逃跑。灌木像她仍然是僅半一樣高, 雖然它不是老的; 如此井她截去它。不是她說的詞; 並且I 加州唯一奇蹟多少她此後將記住, 與那種苦澀氣味, 庭院列, 和古老西洋李子樹冠上樹籬, 一個彎的道路對門A 低厚實的灌木在門旁邊, 和我禁止她採摘。
至於我自己, 我首先見面了的地方苦澀氣味丟失。I, 同樣, 枯萎灰色細片, 嗅他們和再認為和嗅和經常設法更加認為我是什麼這總徒然記住, 。我無法喜歡氣味, 我寧可會放棄其他人甜, 沒有意思, 比這苦澀一個。我放錯了鑰匙。我嗅浪花和認為□什麼; 我看見並且我聽見□什麼; 似乎, 同樣, 聽□, 埋伏以待為什麼我應該, 從未罐頭, 記住; 庭院沒出現, 沒有道路、小伙子愛沒有灰白綠色灌木, 或老人, 沒有孩子此外, 不父親亦不母親, 亦不任一個遊伴; 唯一大道, 黑暗, 無名, 沒有末端
參考: me

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