
2008-05-11 4:10 am
1.Aluminium can should be put in the yellow recyling bins.

2.Peter and his friends are sipping at their cans of coke.

3.We can save the environment by using fewer plastic bags.

4.I try to put aside some of my pocket money instead of spending it all.

5.I would not be surprisin to hear thst democratic countries often embrace the rule of law.

6.Many schools have started to encourage students to bring their own lunchboxes to reduce the use of polystyrene lunchboxes.

7.It was a big change in lifestyle when we moved to the country.

8.The local community was shocked by the murders.

9.Police estimated that 30,000 people were at the fair.

10.Details of the competition are available at all participating stores.

11.He admitted all his mistakes.

12.I think I'll have a cold drink rather than coffee.

13.She hasn't been seen for four days and there are concerns for her safety.

14.He has many irritating habits,inclding biting his nails.

15.There have been many changes in recent years.

16.This data was collected from 69 countries.

17.Plastic bags disposed of across the territory should be handled properly.

18.It may take up20 minutes for dinner to be ready.

19.As the waste materials decompose,they produce methane gas.

回答 (3)

2008-05-15 11:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.Aluminium can should be put in the yellow recyling bins.

2.Peter and his friends are sipping at their cans of coke.
Peter 和他的朋友們正在喝汽水。(sipping 直譯為吸啜,但翻譯須顧及文法的分別)

3.We can save the environment by using fewer plastic bags.

4.I try to put aside some of my pocket money instead of spending it all.

5.I would not be surprisin to hear thst democratic countries often embrace the rule of law.

6.Many schools have started to encourage students to bring their own lunchboxes to reduce the use of polystyrene lunchboxes.

7.It was a big change in lifestyle when we moved to the country.

8.The local community was shocked by the murders.
公眾對兇手( / 兇案)感到震驚。

9.Police estimated that 30,000 people were at the fair.

10.Details of the competition are available at all participating stores.

11.He admitted all his mistakes.

12.I think I'll have a cold drink rather than coffee.
我不要咖啡,我想要(/ 請給我)一杯凍飲。

13.She hasn't been seen for four days and there are concerns for her safety.

14.He has many irritating habits,inclding biting his nails.
他有很多令人煩厭( / 惹人生厭)的陋習,包括咬手指。

15.There have been many changes in recent years.

16.This data was collected from 69 countries.

17.Plastic bags disposed of across the territory should be handled properly.

18.It may take up20 minutes for dinner to be ready.

19.As the waste materials decompose,they produce methane gas.

2008-05-15 15:44:20 補充:
7.It was a big change in lifestyle when we moved to the country.

「the country」可解作1) 鄕下(or 郊區) 或 2) 某一國家,所以視乎這裡的意思會有兩個翻譯:
1) 移居鄕下後我們的生活方式有了重大的改變。
2) 移居到這(or 那)國家後我們的生活方式有了重大的改變。
參考: personal opinion







8 當地社區感到震驚的謀殺。

9.警方估計, 3.0萬人,在公平的。





14.他有許多令人厭煩的習慣, inclding咬他的指甲。





參考: Lance
2008-05-11 4:59 am
1. Aluminium can should be put in the yellow recyling bins.
= 鋁罐應該放進黃色的回收筒。

2. Peter and his friends are sipping at their cans of coke.
= 彼德跟他的朋友正在吸啜他們的汽水。

3. We can save the environment by using fewer plastic bags.
= 我們可以減少使用膠袋來保護環境。

4. I try to put aside some of my pocket money instead of spending it all.
= (唔識,sor.......)

5. I would not be surprising to hear that democratic countries often embrace the rule of law.
= 我不會覺得意外去聽到民主的國家經常採用法治。

6. Many schools have started to encourage students to bring their own lunchboxes to reduce the use of polystyrene lunchboxes.
= 很多學校已經開始鼓勵學生自行帶飯盒來減少使用塑膠飯盒。

7. It was a big change in lifestyle when we moved to the country.
= 當我們移民時,我們的生命方式轉變了很多。

8. The local community was shocked by the murders.
= 謀殺別人令到那個獨立社會感到大吃一驚。

9. Police estimated that 30,000 people were at the fair.
= 警方估計有3萬人是在公平的環境。

10. Details of the competition are available at all participating stores.
= (唔識,sor.....)

11. He admitted all his mistakes.
= 他承認了他所有的錯誤。

12. I think I'll have a cold drink rather than coffee.
= 我認為我飲一杯凍飲會比咖啡好。

13. She hasn't been seen for four days and there are concerns for her safety.
= (唔識,sor......)

2008-05-10 21:29:49 補充:
14. He has many irritating habits,inclding biting his nails.
= (唔識,sor......)

15. There have been many changes in recent years.
= 在近年來已經有很多轉變。

16. This data was collected from 69 countries.
= 這些數據是從69個國家收集的。

2008-05-10 21:29:54 補充:
17. Plastic bags disposed of across the territory should be handled properly.
= (唔識,sor......)

18. It may take up 20 minutes for dinner to be ready.
= 這需要20分鐘來準備晚餐。

19. As the waste materials decompose,they produce methane gas.
= (咁唔識,sor......)

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