Economics Good

2008-05-11 2:45 am
Does an economic goods exist in one-man economy?

回答 (2)

2008-05-11 7:51 am
✔ 最佳答案

An economic good exists in one-man economy. This is because only when scarcity exists can the economic good exist. For whatever type of economy, scarcity must exist and so economic ood must exist.

if you have any questions, it is welcome to ask me through my email ( or through my forum established in my web. (

Leo Sir
2008-05-11 4:05 am
Economic goods are goods whose quantity is not enough to satisfy all human wants.Economic goods also scarce goods
1.usually have a price but some are free
2.have opportunity cost
3.plz want more
4.their production uses up scarce resources, which have alternative uses.,under one man economy, there is opportunity cost .

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